Each of the Ball Aptitude Battery® (BAB™) tests measure unique and important traits. They were incorporated into a battery of tests to provide a holistic understanding of an individual’s profile of talents. For over 30 years, the Foundation has incorporated aptitude assessments from the Comprehensive Ability Battery (CAB) into its research program. The purpose of using the CAB is to expand our range of measurement.
The BAB was constructed using the traditional reference point of the wide range of aptitudes required by different occupations. In order to make aptitude information understandable in a non-scientific context and applicable to the layperson, the Foundation has developed a classification strategy that features terminology that is somewhat different than one might find in scientific publications regarding aptitudes. The subtests are organized by seven aptitude dimensions that have face validity and internal consistency. Scientifically, these dimensions are consistent with the Foundation’s BAB validation work.
We provide a brief definition of the seven dimensions, identifying the specific aptitudes that fall underneath each, and examples of occupations that engage each (note that occupations typically engage more than one aptitude).
Ball Aptitude Battery tests measure:
Speed/Accuracy and Motor
The Comprehensive Ability Battery
For over 30 years, 7 Comprehensive Ability Battery (CAB) subtests have routinely been administered within Career Vision as supplemental to the BAB subtests. These subtests align with three of the above listed themes:
* BAB subtests marked with an asterisk are not delivered via an internet administration format.